The Energy Trust Model

The transition to a clean energy future is increasingly driven by a desire for localized, democratic control of energy resources. Energy trusts are emerging as key players in facilitating community ownership of renewable energy projects. With their focus on local investment and empowerment, these organizations are revolutionizing the way communities generate and consume power.

What are Energy Trusts?

Energy trusts are non-profit organizations, typically established by a community or group of communities, that focus on facilitating the development and ownership of renewable energy projects. They play a multifaceted role, which includes:

  • Fundraising and Investment: Energy trusts raise finance from local residents, businesses, and other stakeholders, often via share offers or community bonds. This capital is then used to invest in renewable energy installations.

  • Project Development: Trusts can handle all aspects of project development – site identification, feasibility studies, securing planning permission, managing construction, and grid connection.

  • Community Engagement: A central goal is to educate, engage, and build support for renewable energy projects within the community. Trusts organize meetings, disseminate information, and ensure local voices are at the heart of energy decisions.

  • Revenue Management: Income generated from the sale of electricity is used to repay investors, support community initiatives, and fund further energy projects – creating a sustainable cycle of reinvestment.

Benefits of the Energy Trust Model

  • Community Ownership: Residents become direct stakeholders, leading to increased support for renewable energy and a sense of collective responsibility.

  • Economic Empowerment: Profits stay within the community, boosting the local economy and funding public services or further energy schemes.

  • Energy Democracy: Decision-making rests with the community, allowing for energy choices aligned with local priorities and environmental concerns.

  • Resilience: Locally owned renewable energy enhances grid resilience and reduces dependence on external power sources.

The Future of Community Energy

Energy trusts are vital as the world accelerates towards a decentralized, renewable-powered future. They have the potential to unlock local investment, reduce energy costs for communities, and promote a more just and equitable energy system where people have a real say about the energy that powers their lives.


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